After signing up through the form below, you will receive an e-mail about the event which also includes a link to pay the entry fee of €145,-.

What does the fee include?

  • A very nice route in form of a gpx file;
  • Real-time tracking through a tracking device for the duration of the event;
  • An official race cap;
  • A photo album of the event (we aim to capture as many of you as possible);
  • A pasta party the evening before the start;
  • Snacks during registration day and before the start;
  • Publishing individual times on the website. 
Note that a deposit of €150,- is required for the mandatory use of the tracker device. Payment details for this deposit will be shared approximately one month before the event. Of course we will return your deposit after you have handed in the tracker device. 

You can also sign up for the pairs/duo category. Please notify us if you and your riding buddy wish to form a pair. Be aware that both riders need to register and pay for the event. 

I will make a short introduction of all racers on the website. After filling out the form I will send you a link for the payment.